All things are possible through design.
“That will be so amusing! You will have five hundred million little bells and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water.”
—Antoine de Saint Expery, The Little Prince
Everything we do creates the conditions for the next thing to happen.
“The world has never been a place. It has always been a process. To understand natural design is to understand that we design in space and in time. Everything we do creates the conditions for the next thing to happen. Nothing happens in a freeze-frame. Understanding how natural systems function and flourish, and having the capacity to apply this understanding in our own life design, offers us an opportunity to design abundant, beautiful and forgiving gardens for our dreams, in both the landscape of our lives, our relationships and within the landscape of our hearts.”
“Nature, all of nature - human beings, animals, birds, insects, water, wind, and mycelium – are pattern-seeking. Nature is constantly looking for ways of rearranging itself through pattern to increase efficiency, create relationship, maximize yield and exist in sustainable and balanced dynamics. Human beings are no exception, not when it comes to how we govern our societies, or how we build our marriages.”
It takes courage to show up for life and rise, especially when challenged.
“It takes courage to show up for life and rise, especially when challenged. It takes courage to live from the bones and follow what excites you deeply, in your core. It takes courage to accept the power you have to change your life, to discipline your thinking and support your thoughts in action, and then to consider your actions and how they affect and assist the lives of others.”
“If you were to consider what you contribute, what you have to give, what resources you have, what skills you can offer in support of what moves you most, in addition to what you need, the whole picture shifts. What we give, we get back. It takes a person living in their power to recognize the effect they have on the world they live in and to live generously. It takes power to embody our values and take action in our lives to create the world we want to live within.”
“It’s befriending the bloody heart that lives in all of us and that inhabits this at-times stony culture. It means shining a light on what breaks us down in the dark of night, and still choosing to rise. To be ultimately committed to what you love - to Love in itself - as a way of life. Choosing love over fear. Choosing authenticity, choosing self acceptance, choosing forgiveness, choosing to live on the growing edge of who you are and all that is possible in who you are as a way of giving back, as a simple way of recognizing the divine in you and the divine in others.”